Sunday, March 13, 2011

I'm Going To Hurl

Just came home from the store and reached in the fridge for a bottle of water to take my prescription.  Saw a half empty bottle behind some other things, so grabbed it, opened it, and tossed it back. The second it hit my tongue, I proceeded to spray the horrid liquid everywhere.  Turns out one of my brother's spit bottles somehow ended up in the refrigerator.  Despite brushing my teeth for 20 minutes and gargling repeatedly with mouthwash...I feel like I'm going to hurl. 

I used to date a guy who rubbed.  I really didnt think it could get worse than kissing a guy with a dip in.  I WAS WRONG.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My deepest sympathies and prayers for all of those affected by the earthquake and tsunami.

Not much exciting in my neck of the woods.  Looks like tonight will be a night on the couch.  Thinking about making chocolate chip cookies...mostly so I can eat the batter.

Cousin's son's first birthday tomorrow..should take up most of the day.

REALLY looking forward to going out of town next week.  Bff's, sushi, buffet, and basketball...not much more I could ask for!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Dinner

The bro and I have started a new tradition of trying new recipes on Sundays.  His idea for this week was Sheperd's Pie.  Now, I have never in my life before today eaten Sheperd's Pie.  He had it at his ex-girlfriend's who's mother is apparently an amazing cook.  So I hopped online and found a recipe labeled "easy" and made a list of ingredients we would need.  Since the Ohio State/Wisconsin game was about to start, he ran to the store for us.  I think we were both a little nervous....but the final product was deemed a raving success! He plans on taking it for lunch to work this week.


Saturday, March 5, 2011


I'm going to say the night was eh. Probably a solid B.  Had fun at dinner...and definitely got checked out at the bar.  Thought hot guy was interested...guess not so much.  Drank 6 beers and 3 redbulls.  Home by 1. Fell asleep fairly quickly...then C woke me up at 3:30 wuth a text.  After which he promptly fell asleep.  Its now 6...clearly still up.  Bailing on plans for today...I wasn't exactly dying to go anyway.  The one guy who is interested...just isnt the one.  And although I keep telling him I just want to be friends...and he keeps saying he understands and is ok with that...I'm just not sure I believe him. 

Probably spending the day parked on the couch. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Roll Out

After far too long, I am going out tonight! Super excited.  I live in a small town...we all know each other, know our pasts, and have preconceived notions about each other.  People here still get married fairly young...(yes i consider marriage at 22/23 young...but then again I'm OLD ;)  Quite honestly that results in a TINY pool of potential suitors.  In fact, I can think of 2 guys I am genuinely interested in: one is my ex and one has a girlfriend.  AWESOME. lol.  But....we shall have fun nonetheless.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Steps Forward

I think for the most part I am really getting there with the recovery.  All this week I've been feeling pretty fab...until today as I have some pain/lumpiness/nausea/stomach upset.  Progress though. 

I called the ex out on being a jerk.  He hasn't gotten back to me.  Whatev.  Trying really hard not to give in and contact him again.

Hung out again with the friend.  I really just don't think its there.  SUCH a nice guy.  Just no butterflies.  Not sure I can live the rest of my life without butterflies.